Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Aunt Tori and Uncle Ozzy visit from CA!

Believe it or not, this is a SMALL portion of the people in our house that day. We basically had one day for everyone to see Tori and Ozzy so we ended up with a cozy 41 people total over for dinner that day. It was worth it though because I got the best and easiest home made from scratch Texas sheet cake recipe. Yahoo!
One of our favorite things to do with the cousins is to go across the street and jump on the trampoline. Added bonus...Grandpa Greg to bounce us all so high we almost pee our pants!
With all the madness and chaos, thank goodness for Grandma Nancy to keep things calm for little Jax. Talk about one over-stimulated baby.
In case you haven't noticed in other blogs, Madi loves to perform. She invited me in and this is that amazingly high note in "Oh Happy Day" from the Sister Act 2 soundtrack. One of Madi's favorite songs. What fun we have!

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